Happy Thursday Friends!
In honor of our wonderful country and the 4th of July holiday, Lance added a new addition to our front yard last week.
Our gorgeous new American Flag flying in our front yard brings a huge smile to my face everytime I drive down the street! Crazy enough, when Lance began looking for a flagpole and flag to purchase, he kept finding that the flags (yes the American Flags) were all made in CHINA (or some other place that is not America). Who would buy an American Flag from another country?? It just didn't make sense to us. The Buckleys wanted an American Flag from America and thankfully my tactically savy husband new right where to look.
LaRue Tactical is a Texas based company that sells American made American Flags. Anyone who enjoys military related items, guns, or tactical equipment will love this website!
A few other small victories of the past few weeks include:
We found some dining room table chairs that we love!! We are saving up a bit before we purchase them, but I am thrilled we have a good idea of what we want that will add some great color to the beautiful grey walls in the dining room.
And remember that old white door???
Well we are starting the process of turning it into our new dining room table! It may be hard to see our vision now, but we will slowly continue to share pictures until we have the finished product. Below is an example of the first steps - removing the layers, and layers, and layers of old paint that are on the door. At any hardward store you can easily find a good paint stripper. At the Lowe's around the corner from our house we got a container of Jasco Paint and Epoxy Remover, brushed it onto the door, and started scrapping off the layers of paint. It's a long and tedious process so it will probably take me another week to get it finished!
Once I have all of the paint off, and can see the beautiful oak wood that the door is made of, we will move onto step two - staining or painting the door a great color that will match the (eventual) dark wood floors we are planning to put in down the road.
We are considering either a dark mahogany stain or a dark navy blue paint color - which do you think we should go with??
As the projects continue to move along, we are realizing more and more how thankful we are for this house! While homeownership has already had its bad/hard days, as with most situations in life, the good days are greatly outweighing the bad! One of my particularly favorite things about our new house is the wildlife around it! For example:
- We have mallards that fly down our street on a regular basis and just chill in our neighbors yards
- we have blue herons that frequently fly throughout our neighborhood and live in the creeks that run through the parks
- we have rabbits EVERYWHERE - we were outside walking the dogs for about 20 minutes around the neighborhood two nights ago and I counted 18 rabbits!
- We also have a birds nest right outside our dining room window:
At first I thought this was just an old nest, because I didn't see any activity around it for a few days. Boy was I excited when I saw the mom and dad birds sleeping there a few nights ago though! And then I actually saw the babies!! If you look closely, you'll see that there is a tiny beak sticking out of the nest that I have circled in orange! A few days later I was watching the nest again and was thrilled when the beautiful dad (who is a red bird!) flew in with a HUGE green worm (or maybe catepillar? All I know is that it was very large) and started feeding the baby birds. It was the coolest thing I have ever witnessed from a foot away! After living in the city, getting to see the beauties in nature around our house on a daily basis is truly a blessing.
I hope everyone had a wonderful, safe, and patriot 4th of July holiday!!