The Buckley's Reno Realities is a blog dedicated to documenting my husband, Lance, and I's adventures as we take on the challenge of turning our new home into our dream home using our own four hands. We hope you enjoy our journey, marvel at some of our masterpieces, laugh with us at our failures, and give us suggestions along the way!

Monday, June 10, 2013


The events at the house started early on Friday with the delivery of our new refridgerator! If you ever need new appliances, I highly encourage you to look into Sears Outlet.   While some of the inventory is used, refurbished, or damaged, a great deal of it is brand new!    

We were able to get this brand new, out of the box Maytag 4-door 25 cu. ft. fridge, normally priced at $2,599.00, for only $1,472.95. We also paid a little bit extra to have it delivered and the men that brought it were so nice! They set everything up, including taking off all of the inside stickers and tape.

We were so thankful for all of our friends that helped us move tons of boxes on Friday night after work.  It only took us one trip, and within an hour we had moved everything but the furniture from our apartment to the new house!

With all of the heavy lifting out of the way, Lance and I knew we had to get started painting - actually it was just one wall in particular that we needed to paint.  Lance has a beautiful, massive Elk that he shot many years back.  His parents have been so kind to keep it until he had a place big enough for it to hang on the wall (by massive, I mean that it is 6 ft. tall, 5 ft. wide, and 4 ft. in depth and it's only a shoulder mount!).  Thankfully, we found a home with tall enough ceilings that the elk could fit and we knew exactly what wall it would go on (-->).

My in-laws were coming on Saturday to bring us the elk and help us unload our storage unit into our house.  It wasn't until about 10:30pm on Friday night that we realized we needed to have the wall painted and ready so that Lance and his dad could hang the elk on Saturday.
And so the fun began.....
Now I am not one who is easily scared by heights, in fact I usually always love heights!  But once we got the ladder set up to reach the top of the wall, I started getting nervous.  By the time I was at the top of the ladder and starting to paint, I was honestly terrified. 

Thankfully, with lots of help from Lance, I got over the scared feeling and got the wall painted!  This is also the first time Lance and I got to see the color that we are painting the entire inside of the house on a wall and not on a swatch from the paint store. 

The paint color is "Summit Gray" by Sherwin Williams and it is the perfect gray for all of the living spaces of a home.  We can't wait to see what it looks like once we get it up on all of the walls throughout the house!
We finally called it a night around 1:30am and decided that, despite our excitement for having a house, we couldn't handle another night sleeping on an air mattress.  So we loaded up the dogs and drove back to our dallas apartment and spent our last night ever in the apartment that we first called home.

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